BIBLIOTHERAPY: Love Worth Making: How to Have Ridiculously Great Sex in a Long-Lasting Relationship by Stephen Snyder, M.D.
As humans, we are sexual beings. Our sexual development, sexual health, sexual expression, and sexual satisfaction contribute to our overall well-being. And yet often, for different reasons, many struggle around sexuality.
Dr. Stephen Snyder is a sex therapist in Manhattan. His book, Love Worth Making: How to Have Ridiculously Great Sex in a Long-Lasting Relationship includes three parts: Your Sexual Self, Women and Men, and Sex for Life. Dr. Snyder writes with a no-nonsense, direct approach that offers practical actions to better sex in a long-lasting relationship.
Our 4 Relational Hungers
As human beings, we are relational beings. Relationships are intertwined with our survival. Relationships meet our needs for belonging, security, and significance. We’re in relationship not just with people, but with ourselves, nature, spirit, ancestry, creativity, and ideas.
The mindful movement and conscious dance practice of Open Floor International identifies Four Relational Hungers.
• SOLITUDE: left alone, self, turn inward
• CONNECTION: excited/nourished by partner, intimacy
• BELONGING: part of group, union, welcomed
• SPIRIT: part of flow, be held by something beyond
FOOD! How to Be Less Overwhelmed by Feeding Yourself and Others!
Like most things, being intentional creates change and benefit. If you are serious about feeling better. Get serious about caring for your basic needs and providing your body the nutrition it needs! Need support? Coriander Living is here for you. Let’s talk food!
The 4 Dimensions of Embodiment
The mindful movement and conscious dance practice of Open Floor International is an embodiment practice. Embodiment is about inhabiting our full selves. Being at home in our bodies. Our ability to connect with what it means to be human and to be moving through life.
Open Floor teaches and identifies 4 Dimensions of Embodiment: physical, emotional, mind, and soul.
Announcing 988 for Suicide, Mental Health, & Substance Use Crisis Situations! (Call/Text/Chat 988)
Starting July 16, 2022 anyone in the United States can call, text, or chat 988 which is hosted by The National Suicide Prevention & Lifeline. This new national service is called the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Any person experiencing a crisis, or someone concerned for someone in crisis can use this service. Staff answering calls are trained to listen, support, de-escalate, encourage coping skills, and resource connect.
Coriander Living Collective is proud to spread the word on this new 988 service!
The Open Floor Movement Cycle
One of the anchors of Open Floor practice is the Movement Cycle which includes:
1. Open Attention: We open both our inner and outer awareness, arrive for practice, and welcome whatever is noticed.
2. Enter with an Embodied Anchor: We enter our bodies and sensation.
3. Explore: Here we deepen and broaden our awareness, expand, and experiment with guided and self-directed inquiries.
4. Settle: And to end, we slow down, integrate, and allow our nervous systems to encode new pathways.
Human Connection Heals
Human connection and a sense of belonging are vital to our well-being. Connection creates resilience. Connection heals. If you are struggling with connection or lack of belonging, Coriander Living Collective is here to support you in getting connected via psychotherapy and workshops and retreats. Just reach out!
Without ground where do you stand? Come connect to what’s below you and in you, build safety, and sense support. Practice GROUNDING through meditation and movement with Open Floor! Two opportunities coming up this summer:
• Open Floor 101 3-Part Series starting Thursday, June 30th, 2022 at 9:30am at Inspiring Actions in River Falls, WI!
• Open Floor Moving Meditation & Wine Spritzer Social at Forestville Vines Winery, Sunday, August 14th, 2022!
BIBLIOTHERAPY: What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD, and Oprah Winfrey
When Oprah writes a book about trauma, you know trauma awareness has hit the mainstream! In What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing, Dr. Perry and Oprah write about the paradigm shift from the question of “What’s wrong with you? to “What happened to you?” They discuss the developmental impact of trauma on the brain, pointing to how formative the first year of life is. They converse on regulation and rhythm, balance, connectedness, transgenerational transmission of trauma, and ways to move towards healing. This book serves as an introduction to trauma, or a review for the trauma specialist.
Come practice your sense of SPATIAL AWARENESS through meditation and movement with Open Floor! What you practice on the dance floor builds awareness and skills for navigating life off the dance floor.
When’s the Last Time You Felt Free? Alive? Expansive?
That aliveness, I touch that when I practice Open Floor Dance. That’s the main reason, I’m called to become an Open Floor Teacher. To guide you into experiencing that freedom too, on any old day of the week.
Approach Life with More Ease, Creativity, and Flexibility! Welcome to Open Floor 101!
You’re invited! Sign up for Open Floor 101! During this 3-week series, you will be introduced through instruction and experiential exercises to the mindful movement, conscious dance practice of Open Floor International.
FREE Therapy: Bibliotherapy!
It’s not out of the ordinary for me to recommend certain titles to clients that I think will enrich their therapy. Using books to support the therapy process is termed, BIBLIOTHERAPY. It’s also not uncommon for me to find myself reading books that clients have recommended! That’s why I share about certain books on my BLOG. It’s all in the hopes of helping people out and growing together!
Do You Have a Healthy ACTIVATE & SETTLE Response?
Come try a FREE Open Floor Moving Meditation class on Saturday, May 21st, 2022 from 8-9am at Inspiring Actions Yoga in River Falls, WI. We will be exploring the Open Floor Core Movement Resource of ACTIVATING & SETTLING.
Stress Can Be Toxic and Cause Brain Damage!
The brain can get stuck in an unconscious state of emergency that creates inflammation and illness. Brain injuries can lead to disorganization and cross-wiring in the nervous system. Meaning distorted messages can be sent that are no longer the truth resulting in symptoms such as those found in post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain, environmental/sensory/food sensitives, irritable bowel syndrome, and fibromyalgia.
Music + Meditation + Movement = Regulation/Creativity/Connection
Open Floor classes use music, meditation, and movement to cultivate and foster whole body-mind regulation, creativity, and connection. What we practice on the dance floor builds neural pathways, skills, and resiliency for life off the dance floor.
Come try a FREE Open Floor Moving Meditation class on Saturday, May 21st, 2022 from 8-9am at Inspiring Actions Yoga in River Falls, WI. Register on
What Are You PAYING For When You Private Pay for Mental Health Treatment?
Coriander Living Collective is designed as a private pay for services business accepting credit, debit, HSA, or FLEX funds. We believe as a provider this offers you the highest level of care. For you as the client, this affords you certain advantages over using health insurance or a third party payer: greater privacy, no required mental health diagnosis, and complete control over treatment.
Life is Movement
From before birth, until our last breath, we are moving. Movement might look like our heart beating, walking, or the choices we make. We are constantly moving towards or away, with or against, and in so many other ways. Our bodies and movement are one of our greatest resources as human beings. There is a reason that throughout history and across cultures people move, people dance. It is how we live. It is how we communicate. It is how we meet needs. Emotions are energy moving in our bodies. Movement is one of our birth rights. We get to grow and change. Why not practice movement with “intention and purpose?”
Bibliotherapy: In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction by Gabor Maté
In his book, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction Gabor Maté discusses how “addiction is neither a choice nor primarily a disease,” instead it is a human being’s “desperate attempt to solve a problem: the problem of emotional pain, of overwhelming stress, of lost connection, of loss of control, of deep discomfort with the self.”
Nightmares Haunting You or Someone You Love?
Coriander Living Collective uses the brain-body based interventions of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) and BRAINSPOTTING to treat nightmares caused by trauma/stress reactions. Time to get that good sleep! Reach out today.