When’s the Last Time You Felt Free? Alive? Expansive?

Years ago, I spent three relentless weeks in the Buenos Aires heat, surrounded by 16 million people. When I say relentless, you know what I mean if you have ever been to Retiro Bus Station (or India). Chaos. Crowds. Sensory overload. Squeezed. Confined. Avoid that place at all costs! Book online. I was primed for an escape… 

I needed a vacation from my vacation! We were speeding full force ahead, aimed for Uruguay down the Parana River Delta. Something about that boat ride, the movement, the wind blasting my face, swallowing air, hair whipping my skin in every which way, now that felt like living, that felt like heaven and freedom all wrapped up in one. I was in love with that moment. I can feel it still.

From my experience, life does not typically feel like that on a daily basis. Yet, I long for that freedom…DAILY. What about you? I savoir it when it arrives. That aliveness, I touch that when I practice Open Floor Dance. That’s the main reason, I’m called to be an Open Floor Teacher. To guide you into experiencing that freedom too, on any old day of the week.

Come dance with me! Let’s touch freedom. Curious? Questions? Just show up!




Approach Life with More Ease, Creativity, and Flexibility! Welcome to Open Floor 101!