Nightmares Haunting You or Someone You Love?
As humans, it’s typical for us to have nightmares throughout the course of our lives. Nightmares are disturbing dreams that create upset and fear. Nightmares are especially common during childhood because as children develop, they are exposed to new material and inputs. Nightmares are a way of processing information during REM sleep. A scary or bizarre dream every now-and-again is to be expected.
Chronic, reoccurring nightmares that interfere with your ability to get good sleep or your ability to carry out daily functions are a different story. Nightmares can be caused by medical issues, medications/substances, or in response to trauma/stress. If you or someone you know is being adversely impacted by nightmares seek medical and psychological care.
Coriander Living Collective uses the brain-body based interventions of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) and BRAINSPOTTING to treat nightmares caused by trauma/stress reactions. Time to sleep peacefully again! Reach out today.