As human beings, we are relational beings. Relationships are intertwined with our survival. Relationships meet our needs for belonging, security, and significance. We’re in relationship not just with people, but with ourselves, nature, spirit, ancestry, creativity, and ideas.  

We each have relational tendencies informed by our history, culture, family values, and other life experiences. Our relational hungers are what move us to lean in or lean away, gather or isolate. On the dance floor, we can practice increasing awareness and capacity for our relational hungers to cultivate connection and health.

The mindful movement and conscious dance practice of Open Floor International identifies Four Relational Hungers.

·      SOLITUDE: left alone, self, turn inward

·      CONNECTION: excited/nourished by partner, intimacy

·      BELONGING: part of group, union, welcomed

·      SPIRIT: part of flow, be held by something beyond

Come explore the 4 Relational Hungers. Come practice being present, aware, and an integrated person! Come join Open Floor Teacher-in-Training, Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN at an Open Floor workshop or class! 


BIBLIOTHERAPY: Love Worth Making: How to Have Ridiculously Great Sex in a Long-Lasting Relationship by Stephen Snyder, M.D.


FOOD! How to Be Less Overwhelmed by Feeding Yourself and Others!