What Are You Moving Away from as 2022 Ends and Towards as 2023 Begins?
In life, we are constantly moving towards somethings, and away from other things. It could be people, places, feelings, or thoughts. Being aware of what we move towards and what we move away from demonstrates our preferences, habits, fears, desires, and boundaries. The more awareness you have about how and what you move towards and away from, and why, the better able you are to be an intentional choicemaker. We always have the power of choice.
Common Sense and Emotional Embodiment
Embodiment is a form of mindfulness. Mindfulness is about cultivating a deep sense of awareness and understanding of ‘Who am I?’ The better you understand your inner emotional landscape, the more authentically you can show up in the world. And with all the challenges facing our world, we need creative solutions brought by authentic people. How can I sense you? If I can’t sense me?
How to Be Steady in an Unsteady World? FIND YOUR CENTER!
According to Open Floor International, signs finding your center might be a growth edge for you might include:
• Feeling clumsy, unstable
• Getting easily overwhelmed, doubts self
• Confused, lacks focus, short attention span
• Feels hollow, lacks meaning or purpose
• Needy and not accountable in relationships
Come play with finding your center at Open Floor Dance 101 & Moving Meditation on Sunday, November 6th, 2022!
Brainspotting + Learn Self-Spotting
BRAINSPOTTING is a promising therapy for most types of symptoms such as sleep disturbance, low mood, anxiety, irritability, negative beliefs, interpersonal issues, trauma and stress responses, and chronic pain. Come learn about BRAINSPOTTING and how to SELF-SPOT for regulation.
Our ANS + Benefits of Spending Time in Nature
One way to intervene and support our Autonomic Nervous System is through spending time in nature. Time in nature reduces stress, improves well-being, and moves us into a ventral vagal state where we can connect with others. Come engage with nature at Two Bees and a Bud Flower Farm on Saturday, 9/17/22 from 11-1pm. We would love to see you out!
Happy 2nd Anniversary Coriander Living Collective!
It is with a grateful and happy heart that I announce Coriander Living Collective’s 2nd Anniversary! This business that I’ve built with the support of many, and the trust of even more people, has afforded me a meaningful vocation, and the freedom and lifestyle flexibility that my soul craved for so many years!
Our 4 Relational Hungers
As human beings, we are relational beings. Relationships are intertwined with our survival. Relationships meet our needs for belonging, security, and significance. We’re in relationship not just with people, but with ourselves, nature, spirit, ancestry, creativity, and ideas.
The mindful movement and conscious dance practice of Open Floor International identifies Four Relational Hungers.
• SOLITUDE: left alone, self, turn inward
• CONNECTION: excited/nourished by partner, intimacy
• BELONGING: part of group, union, welcomed
• SPIRIT: part of flow, be held by something beyond
The 4 Dimensions of Embodiment
The mindful movement and conscious dance practice of Open Floor International is an embodiment practice. Embodiment is about inhabiting our full selves. Being at home in our bodies. Our ability to connect with what it means to be human and to be moving through life.
Open Floor teaches and identifies 4 Dimensions of Embodiment: physical, emotional, mind, and soul.
The Open Floor Movement Cycle
One of the anchors of Open Floor practice is the Movement Cycle which includes:
1. Open Attention: We open both our inner and outer awareness, arrive for practice, and welcome whatever is noticed.
2. Enter with an Embodied Anchor: We enter our bodies and sensation.
3. Explore: Here we deepen and broaden our awareness, expand, and experiment with guided and self-directed inquiries.
4. Settle: And to end, we slow down, integrate, and allow our nervous systems to encode new pathways.
Human Connection Heals
Human connection and a sense of belonging are vital to our well-being. Connection creates resilience. Connection heals. If you are struggling with connection or lack of belonging, Coriander Living Collective is here to support you in getting connected via psychotherapy and workshops and retreats. Just reach out!
Without ground where do you stand? Come connect to what’s below you and in you, build safety, and sense support. Practice GROUNDING through meditation and movement with Open Floor! Two opportunities coming up this summer:
• Open Floor 101 3-Part Series starting Thursday, June 30th, 2022 at 9:30am at Inspiring Actions in River Falls, WI!
• Open Floor Moving Meditation & Wine Spritzer Social at Forestville Vines Winery, Sunday, August 14th, 2022!
Come practice your sense of SPATIAL AWARENESS through meditation and movement with Open Floor! What you practice on the dance floor builds awareness and skills for navigating life off the dance floor.
When’s the Last Time You Felt Free? Alive? Expansive?
That aliveness, I touch that when I practice Open Floor Dance. That’s the main reason, I’m called to become an Open Floor Teacher. To guide you into experiencing that freedom too, on any old day of the week.
Approach Life with More Ease, Creativity, and Flexibility! Welcome to Open Floor 101!
You’re invited! Sign up for Open Floor 101! During this 3-week series, you will be introduced through instruction and experiential exercises to the mindful movement, conscious dance practice of Open Floor International.
Do You Have a Healthy ACTIVATE & SETTLE Response?
Come try a FREE Open Floor Moving Meditation class on Saturday, May 21st, 2022 from 8-9am at Inspiring Actions Yoga in River Falls, WI. We will be exploring the Open Floor Core Movement Resource of ACTIVATING & SETTLING.
Music + Meditation + Movement = Regulation/Creativity/Connection
Open Floor classes use music, meditation, and movement to cultivate and foster whole body-mind regulation, creativity, and connection. What we practice on the dance floor builds neural pathways, skills, and resiliency for life off the dance floor.
Come try a FREE Open Floor Moving Meditation class on Saturday, May 21st, 2022 from 8-9am at Inspiring Actions Yoga in River Falls, WI. Register on
Life is Movement
From before birth, until our last breath, we are moving. Movement might look like our heart beating, walking, or the choices we make. We are constantly moving towards or away, with or against, and in so many other ways. Our bodies and movement are one of our greatest resources as human beings. There is a reason that throughout history and across cultures people move, people dance. It is how we live. It is how we communicate. It is how we meet needs. Emotions are energy moving in our bodies. Movement is one of our birth rights. We get to grow and change. Why not practice movement with “intention and purpose?”
“Resource the Self/Revive the World”
Moving Meditation + Beer Flight Tasting @ Swinging Bridge! Saturday, February 26th, 2022 from 6-8pm
We’ll be practicing an Open Floor variation of Osho’s Kundalini Mediation. We will cycle through sitting, traveling, dancing, and resting meditations supported by a soundscape. Come connect with your body, spirit, and others. It’s what our brokenhearted world needs.
Winter Warmer Ecstatic Dance!
Feeling stagnate, isolated, depressed, anxious, disconnected, or stressed? Come move your body! Meditation, music, movement, and community are all medicine for what ails our winter bones and cold spirits.
WINTER WARMER ECSTATIC DANCE is happening Saturday, January 22nd, 2022 at Inspiring Actions!
Open Floor Teacher Training = ACCEPTED!
I am honored to announce that I have been accepted from a pool of applicants for the next Open Floor Teacher Training to begin in March of 2022! I will be joining people from around the world to study embodiment, conscious dance, and Open Floor Movement practices from some of the masters in this field.