BRAINSPOTTING is a body-brain based neurobiological relational therapy that uses where you look to access stored material in your subcortical brain. Accessing this stored material allows your own natural process to unfold, metabolizing and moving you towards a regulated, state of homeostasis.

BRAINSPOTTING is a promising therapy for most types of symptoms such as sleep disturbance, low mood, anxiety, irritability, negative beliefs, interpersonal issues, trauma and stress responses, and chronic pain.

BRAINSPOTTING is typically done with a brainspotting therapist, but SELF-SPOTTING is a simple and effective mindfulness-based practice that leads to self-regulation that can be done alone. After 10-15 minutes of self-spotting many people experience noticeable shifts.  

If you are curious to learn about BRAINSPOTTING and how to SELF-SPOT sign up to join this special in-person class on Tuesday, 9/20/22 from 6-7:30pm. Questions? Just reach out!


BEYOND TALK THERAPY: You Don’t Have to Talk About “It” to Heal “It!” + Welcome to Open Floor 101!


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