
Bibliotherapy: The Chemistry of Calm by Henry Emmons, M.D.
psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, disease, health, stress, anxiety, calm Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, disease, health, stress, anxiety, calm Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Bibliotherapy: The Chemistry of Calm by Henry Emmons, M.D.

The Chemistry of Calm is intended as a guide to reclaiming your resilience, to moving from a state of stress, anxiety or fear to a place of calm, balance, and equanimity.” Dr. Emmons covers in his book his resiliency approach to health and calm. He’s an integrative psychiatrist that practices out of Minnesota.

As one of its core values, Coriander Living Collective believes in expansion and personal growth. Bibliotherapy is a great way to do that and so we share what we’re reading to support your healing journey. Enjoy!

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BIBLIOTHERAPY: Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine: The Key to Understanding Disease, Chronic Illness, and Life Itself by Lee Know, ND
psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, disease, health Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, disease, health Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

BIBLIOTHERAPY: Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine: The Key to Understanding Disease, Chronic Illness, and Life Itself by Lee Know, ND

Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine: The Key to Understanding Disease, Chronic Illness, and Life Itself is a comprehensive review of cellular biology and scientific evidence and yet he strives to make the complex content accessible.

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BIBLIOTHERAPY: Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Self-Help Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism by Stanley Rosenberg
psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, self-regulation, somatic tools Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, self-regulation, somatic tools Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

BIBLIOTHERAPY: Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Self-Help Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism by Stanley Rosenberg

Stanley Rosenberg is an expert cranial sacral and Rolfing bodyworker with over 30 years of experience. He wrote, Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Self-Help Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism as a practical guide to understanding cranial nerve function for psychological and physical well-being, building on Stephen Porges’s Polyvagal Theory.

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Make Trip Packing a Breeze!
psychotherapy, healing, counseling, brainspotting, EMDR, travel Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, healing, counseling, brainspotting, EMDR, travel Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Make Trip Packing a Breeze!

It is winter in the Midwest and it might be time for you to pack those bags and head out on vacation! I am a big believer in the benefits of travel for mental health. Here are a few tips to make travel preparation a breeze! If something is standing in your way of traveling, reach out for our help!

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Bibliotherapy: This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol by Annie Grace
psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, alcohol, addiction Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, alcohol, addiction Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Bibliotherapy: This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol by Annie Grace

Bibliotherapy: This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol by Annie Grace

In her book, This Naked Mind, Annie Graces aims to bring your unconscious programming around alcohol use into light, educate you on the dangers of alcohol, and eliminate your desire to drink.

Coriander Living Collective does not specialize in addiction treatment or recovery, yet substance abuse and use are dynamic and complex, psychotherapy and counseling could benefit your recovery. We would be happy to offer you a free consultation and resource connect. Just reach out!

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9+ Ways to Overcome Adversity!
psychotherapy, healing, counseling, embodiment, adversity, brainspotting, EMDR Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, healing, counseling, embodiment, adversity, brainspotting, EMDR Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

9+ Ways to Overcome Adversity!

In this Psychology Today article, Estroff Marano discusses how adversity has “the capacity to overwhelm the system, to stress it to the breaking point, to shatter the sense of safety that allows mind and body to flourish, to destabilize the neural circuitry powering everyday life…” She shares that people do not necessarily “bounce back” easily when confronted with adversity or traumatic experiences, we typically need to integrate and accept a changed reality following adversity. “...Getting beyond adversity is a process, a very active one, sometimes a very messy one.”

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Bibliotherapy: How to Change Your Body: The Science of Interoception & Healing Through Connection to Yourself & Others by Saga Briggs
psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, embodiment Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, embodiment Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Bibliotherapy: How to Change Your Body: The Science of Interoception & Healing Through Connection to Yourself & Others by Saga Briggs

Most of us are aware of our five senses (touch, smell, sight, taste, hearing), but we also have proprioceptive (spatial), vestibular (movement), and interoceptive senses. Interoception is our awareness of our inner body sensations, our ability to monitor what we are sensing ie. hunger, pain, joy, etc. Saga Briggs in her book, How To Change Your Body, makes the argument that many mental health disorders are related to a dysregulated sense of interoception, impaired body awareness, low body trust, disconnection from bodily signals, and are interpersonal in nature. 

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What’s One of the Greatest Gifts You Can Be Given?
psychotherapy, healing, counseling, attachment, parenting Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, healing, counseling, attachment, parenting Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

What’s One of the Greatest Gifts You Can Be Given?

It is to be brought into this world and parented by a present, attuned caregiver. This helps your nervous system develop a sense of safety, knowing your needs matter and will be met, and that people are to be trusted. It fosters a strong foundation from which to navigate the world, it builds internal resources that can be drawn from when times are tough or emotions are big

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Bibliotherapy: breath is life by Laurie Ellis-Young
psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, embodiment, breathwork Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, embodiment, breathwork Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Bibliotherapy: breath is life by Laurie Ellis-Young

I heard about this book from one of the trainers in my Adler Graduate School, Working with Law Enforcement Course. I loved it! ♥️ I think most of us have a general sense that breathing is good for us! 😁 Ahha! As long as we are breathing, we are still living! I consciously use my breath as a tool in psychotherapy sessions to help clients regulate their breathing and nervous systems. Breath is one of our greatest tools to help manage our nervous systems and lives. I can tell that I will come back to this book over and over. It is rich with information and practical tools for a better life.

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Bibliotherapy: LOVE SENSE: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships by Dr. Sue Johnson
psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, couples therapy, love Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, healing, counseling, bibliotherapy, couples therapy, love Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Bibliotherapy: LOVE SENSE: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships by Dr. Sue Johnson

In Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships Dr. Johnson shares how “Love is vital to our existence” and highlights the research to support that statement. She expresses concern “A tsunami of loneliness, anxiety, and depression is sweeping through Western societies.” She states that love is not a mystery, that belief is a disservice and leaves us feeling helpless in romantic relationships, “What you understand you can maintain, repair, and even enhance.” She urges ”we have to learn to turn toward each other and reveal our fears and longings” and describes a process of interrupting and dismantling destructive sequences and then constructing emotionally open, receptive ones.

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Bibliotherapy: Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Kevin M. Gilmartin

Bibliotherapy: Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Kevin M. Gilmartin

The last few years have been challenging for law enforcement agencies and officers (LEOs) across our country. LEOs deal with the “maddest, baddest, and saddest” constituents in society. LEOs have a high stress, high stakes job. They are trained and prepared for survival on the streets, but are given little if any training on emotional survival in this high risk role. The current national rates of suicide for LEOs are 2x that of the general population. In his book, Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement: A Guide for Officers and Their Families, police psychologist, Kevin M. Gilmartin states we need to “stop breaking cops.” His book encourages LEOs and their families to make self-directed decisions on how life can function and strategy implementation to insure emotional survival.

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Psychotherapy & Support for Law Enforcement, First Responders, & Military Personnel & Families

Psychotherapy & Support for Law Enforcement, First Responders, & Military Personnel & Families

As I reflect back, it is not surprising to me that I have a history of studying and working within and around the criminal justice system in different capacities. I am called to pursue new avenues and ways of supporting local law enforcement and first responders! This is a population that I believe deeply deserves and needs additional support. If you or a loved one is connected to these populations just reach out! Coriander Living Collective is open to individual teenage and adult clients for individual talk and trauma therapy, training, consultation, supervision, and other creative offerings of support!

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Stories & Insights from Canvas Rebel: Interview with Cori Hildebrandt
psychotherapy, trauma therapist, healing, counseling, Brainspotting, EMDR Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, trauma therapist, healing, counseling, Brainspotting, EMDR Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Stories & Insights from Canvas Rebel: Interview with Cori Hildebrandt

Meet Cori Hildebrandt

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Cori Hildebrandt a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Alright, Cori thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Looking back at internships and apprenticeships can be interesting, because there is so much variety in people’s experiences – and often those experiences inform our own leadership style. Do you have an interesting story from that stage of your career that you can share with us?

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psychotherapy, trauma therapist, EMDR, resourcing Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, trauma therapist, EMDR, resourcing Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN


Curious to understand more about EMDR and learn an EMDR Resource that you can practice at home? Join Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN, Certified EMDR Therapist for this workshop, EMDR Therapy: Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, and Resourcing on Thursday, February 22, 2024 from 6-7:30pm at the River Falls High School. Pre-registration is required.

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The Therapeutic Power of Music

The Therapeutic Power of Music

Most of us have been there, either at a concert, or listening to the radio in the car, and a song comes on that, WOW, feels like it was written for you, cuts to the core, moves you in some remarkable way. Music is powerful. Around the globe and for ions music has been part of human culture. We use music to celebrate, regulate, express, dance, and to be moved.

Research supports that music has many benefits. At Coriander Living Collective, we use biolateral and bilateral music while doing BRAINSPOTTING and EMDR. These special types of music enhance right-left brain communication, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. It’s a great tool, I often teach clients about to regulate and calm their nervous systems outside of sessions as well.

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