9+ Ways to Overcome Adversity!
In this Psychology Today article, 9 Ways to Overcome Adversity by Hara Estroff Marano, she discusses how adversity has “the capacity to overwhelm the system, to stress it to the breaking point, to shatter the sense of safety that allows mind and body to flourish, to destabilize the neural circuitry powering everyday life…” She shares that people do not necessarily “bounce back” easily when confronted with adversity or traumatic experiences, we typically need to integrate and accept a changed reality following adversity.
“...Getting beyond adversity is a process, a very active one, sometimes a very messy one.”
Research Supported Ways to Aid the Process:
Find a Role Model
Seek/Give Social Support
Face Your Fears
Do Difficult Things
Loosen Your Grip on Yourself (befriend your mind)
Dance/Physical Activity
Search for Meaning
Flip Your Mind
Balance Your Bugs (microbiome)
I believe that Brainspotting and Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) therapies are strong interventions to aid in the integration of difficult experiences. They have the power to rewire neural connections and support post-traumatic growth.
If you are struggling to integrate a difficult experience, Coriander Living Collective is here. Reach out for a free consultation!