Bibliotherapy: This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol by Annie Grace
In her book, This Naked Mind, Annie Graces aims to bring your unconscious programming around alcohol use into light, educate you on the dangers of alcohol, and eliminate your desire to drink.
She discusses how we live in an alcohol centric culture (87% of adult Americans drink) and that we all have been bamboozled by marketing campaigns, painting alcohol as cool, good for your health, etc. In reality, alcohol is toxic to humans in any amount. The same ethanol that you put in your car is the ethanol you drink, only with additives and flavor enhancers along with marketing to convince you it’s desirable.
Straight alcohol smells and tastes bad, this is to warn you, it is dangerous. Why do you vomit when you drink too much? It is to make sure you survive. And yet we protect alcohol and blame the individuals that struggle with alcohol abuse and dependence.
“Alcohol is the only drug on earth you have to justify not taking.”
The Benefits of Alcohol:
Strong antiseptic
Dulls pain
If alcohol makes you happy, why are there people dependent on alcohol who are unhappy? If you can control your drinking, why do people allow alcohol to ruin their lives and health?
Research Cited Dangers of Alcohol. ALCOHOL IS…
Dehydrating- shrinks the brain
Damages the immune system
Deadens symptoms and natural instincts (which are vital warnings signs to insure your survival)
Attacks the liver
Slow communication
Decreases response time, memory, and attention
Weakens the heart muscle
Causes sexual dysfunction
Know carcinogen
Statistics on Alcohol Use:
During nights and weekends, 1 out of 10 drivers is intoxicated
Half of traffic accidents are linked to alcohol
60% of STDs are transmitted while alcohol is involved
50% of child abuse reports involve alcohol
Alcohol is involved in ⅓ of suicides in the US
The good news? Grace states that 75% of those addicted to alcohol are able to recover without treatment invention, and there are treatment options if you need support to stop drinking. Once you are addicted to alcohol, it creates hypersensitivity networks in your brain and that is the reason why moderate drinking is typically not successful, abstinence seems to work best. The damage caused to your brain from alcohol after several months of abstinence, your brain can regenerate and heal.
Coriander Living Collective does not specialize in addiction treatment or recovery, yet substance abuse and use are dynamic and complex, psychotherapy and counseling could benefit your recovery. We would be happy to offer you a free consultation and resource connect. Just reach out!