
Ditch the Resolutions! Hello Annual Review!
2020 was a BIG year! What made it challenging, also made it valuable. It called us to expand our capacity for change, individually and globally. As the sun sets on 2020, be intentional about how you step into 2021. Systematically evaluate 2020. Ditch the resolutions. Identify habits and systems to create a life well lived. Welcome the Annual Review 2020!

5 Ways to Not Only Face Winter but EMBRACE IT!
Winter in the North can feel long, hard, and cold. Many folks profess to not like winter. And like so many things, it’s our resistant to the thing that creates our suffering, not the actual thing. So how do we not only face winter, but embrace it?

GROUP & WORKSHOP OFFERINGS: Cultivating Social Connection and Belonging!
Social connection and belonging are core psychological human needs. Come join Coriander Living Collective in getting some of your human needs met as we head into winter and 2021! Practice being steady, in an unsteady world, in the company of others through our workshop and group offerings!

Healing and Pain Come from Lifestyle Series: PART II SLEEP
Sleep is foundational to wellness yet is problematic for so many. There are many processes that only happen while we are in deep sleep, including brain cleaning, memory consolidation, synaptic pruning, bone building, muscle and skin repair, and the flushing of toxins.

9 Daily Ways to Remain Steady in an Unsteady World
Even though many things around us are different, challenging, or undesirable, how do we connect with our sense of center, balance, and calm during unwelcomed times? Here are 9 Daily Ways to Remain Steady in an Unsteady World and a Remaining Steady Daily Worksheet to support you in these daily practices.

Thanks to the Pandemic: Lessons Learned & Unexpected Blessings
After the original fear and stress of the unknown passed, this pandemic has held many lessons and unexpected blessings. It became very clear who and what was most important in life. As human beings, we are meaning-making-machines. How do we make meaning of this pandemic time?

Bibliotherapy: It’s Not Your Money: How to Live Fully from Divine Abundance by Tosha Silver
“The power of constant incoming grace, the joy of receiving, the arrival of synchronicity after synchronicity, like crashing waves onto the sacred shore of your life- now that is true abundance.” Let that settle into your bones.
Lifestyle Series PART 1: Healing and Pain Come from Lifestyle
Not many people show up to therapy stating, “I sleep, eat, breath, and live well plus I’m socially connected, I love my job, and I feel significant and secure.” Instead, I hear things like “I’m lonely, I hate my job, I can’t sleep, I worry, I feel lost, or I’m in crisis.” All these things are about lifestyle. And with intention, insight, and action we can choose a different style of living.
How to Handle Election Week Emotions!
Emotions are always moving and shifting. Trust and know that this will pass. As best as you can, allow and honor your emotions. Be curious and watch how your emotions change.

Dear People Who Are Overwhelmed, Exhausted, and Stressed: ARE YOU USING THIS ONE SIMPLE TECHNIQUE ON THE REGULAR?
Many of us spend our days rushing from one task to the next, not really aware of what’s happening in our bodies. We function on autopilot. We probably don’t invest in exercise or self-care on a daily basis because we don’t have the time! Here’s a technique that can be done in literally a few seconds. Welcome “THE PAUSE.”

When the pandemic first hit, we were saying things like, “we’re all in this together, remember this is temporary, take one day at a time,” now zoom forward several months and you get a lot of folks that are DONE! Depleted. Exhausted. So over it. And yet, no end in sight for the pandemic. To say the least, this extended time of stress and uncertainty is taking its toll! Here are some practical ways for you to keep navigating these rough times.

What’s This Man Have to Do with You?
Absolutely everything! Alfred Alder founded a theory that explains human behavior. We design our concept of self, others, and the world around us and this dictates how we move through life; expressed through our actions, thoughts, and emotions. Cori Hildebrandt, MA is trained as a specialist in Adlerian Psychotherapy and Counseling. It would be her honor to guide you in changing your lifestyle a.k.a. personality with insight and intention.
What’s in a Name?
As part of my undergrad at UW-Madison, I did a research project on the impact of first names on personality. Our names do impact us and how others perceive us. The same is true for business names. Thus, I was thoughtful about naming Coriander Living Collective. (That guy on the left, he’s a coriander farmer from Tamil Nadu taking his product to market on a moto.)