Dear People Who Are Overwhelmed, Exhausted, and Stressed: ARE YOU USING THIS ONE SIMPLE TECHNIQUE ON THE REGULAR?

Many of us spend our days rushing from one task to the next, not really aware of what’s happening in our bodies. We function on autopilot. We probably don’t invest in exercise or self-care on a daily basis because we don’t have the time! Here’s a technique that can be done in literally a few seconds. I’m sure you can make time for this! And hopefully multiple times a day!

Welcome “THE PAUSE.” To practice the pause, while in a safe space, take a moment to check-in with your body and your current experience. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in and let it out, shift your weight from side to side, and scan your body from head to toe. What physical sensations do you notice in your body? Can you feel your body relax? The pause is always available to you! Most people notice a quick shift after investing even 30 seconds to pause. Take a pause and check-in with your body throughout the day. Your nervous system will thank you!

If you’d like to dive deeper into learning ways to manage overwhelm, exhaustion, and stress or if you’d benefit from having someone assist you in designing a self-care routine and then holding you accountable to sticking with it, Coriander Living Collective is up for the task!


Bibliotherapy: The Right Book at the Right Time
