Yesterday, marked the Winter Solstice, the official beginning of winter and the darkest day of the year. Winter in the North can feel long, hard, and cold. Many folks profess to not like winter. And like so many things, it’s our resistant to the thing that creates our suffering, not the actual thing. So how do we not only face winter, but embrace it?

1.     Change your mindset. Winter is a time of going inward, a time to be gentle, to find comfort, and to nurture what new things are to be birthed in spring.

2.     Get outdoors! Get natural light and fresh air. Bundle up. Try an outside sport.

3.     Learn something new. Take an online course. Read a book. Teach yourself a craft.

4.     Create comfort. Eat rich foods. Drink warm beverages. Wear comfy socks. Light a fire or candles. 

5.     Nurture deep connection. To yourself, others, spirit, and your community. Read. Meditate. Join a group or workshop.

Coriander Living Collective is offering a few group options over the next several weeks to cultivate a sense of connection and offer support as we move into winter. 

·      Releasing 2020, Creating Space for 2021 Workshop is being offered in-person, in partnership with Inspiring Actions in River Falls. 

·      Calm and Connected Therapy Groups forming now for Adults and Teens starting virtually in January 2021. Learn tools to be calm, connected, and present no matter what is going on around you.

Let’s not resist winter but embrace it! Like the meme says, “If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life, but still the same amount of snow.” And the same goes for the cold! Contact Coriander Living Collective with questions and to register for upcoming workshop and groups.


Ditch the Resolutions! Hello Annual Review!


GROUP & WORKSHOP OFFERINGS: Cultivating Social Connection and Belonging!