
INNER WELL, OUTER WORD In-Person Writing Workshop!
What’s your relationship with writing? When was the last time you picked up a pen or pencil with paper and wrote honestly, messy, or creatively, without judgment or editing? When did someone last read out-loud to you and you listened not only with your ears, but with your heart?

Bibliotherapy: BIG MAGIC: Creative Living Without Fear
Do you have the courage to move beyond fear and create a meaningful life? How does one allow fear and creativity to co-exist? Is creativity gifted from the divine? Creativity can help us navigate life and overcome our struggles.

Bibliotherapy: Untamed by Glennon Doyle
I often say, “Everything there is to know, it can be found in a book.” Glennon Doyle’s, Untamed offered golden nuggets of wisdom that were delivered like punches to the gut! If you’re a woman or a mother, this book is for you. Doyle encourages us and calls us to action: “Here’s to the Untamed: May we know them. May we raise them. May we love them. May we read them. May we elect them. May we be them.”

Craving Support and Connection? 3 Ways to Get Those Needs Met ASAP!
As human beings, we’re social beings. If it wasn’t for being interdependent, we would not survive infancy. We need other people to thrive. Due to different technological advances, cultural shifts, and the pandemic, many people are finding themselves disconnected, lonely, and craving support.

5 Ways to Not Only Face Winter but EMBRACE IT!
Winter in the North can feel long, hard, and cold. Many folks profess to not like winter. And like so many things, it’s our resistant to the thing that creates our suffering, not the actual thing. So how do we not only face winter, but embrace it?

GROUP & WORKSHOP OFFERINGS: Cultivating Social Connection and Belonging!
Social connection and belonging are core psychological human needs. Come join Coriander Living Collective in getting some of your human needs met as we head into winter and 2021! Practice being steady, in an unsteady world, in the company of others through our workshop and group offerings!