
It’s Official! I am a Certified Open Floor Teacher!
I am finding limited words to express how deeply grateful and changed I am by Open Floor and those involved in the process of me becoming an Open Floor Teacher. It’s been a collective and global effort to cross this threshold. I am honored to join the lineage of those who have come before. I am blessed and proud to be a part of Open Floor International.

Podcast Ep 138: WELL CONNECTED TWIN CITIES: Brainspotting and Open Floor to Heal Mind, Body, and Soul with Cori Hildebrandt
Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN, Certified Brainspotting and EMDR Therapist, Open Floor Teacher-in-Training talking about BRAINSPOTTING and OPEN FLOOR on the WELL CONNECTED TWIN CITIES PODCAST Episode #138. Take a listen!

Doorways to the Soul
Talking about soul and spirit touches on some of the great existential questions of life! A wonderful place to explore and investigate what soul and spirit mean to you is through your body with movement, on a dance floor! All classes over the next several months will be moving with SPIRIT and SOUL. Come checkout a SOUL MOVES class. Come investigate these on the dance floor, Sunday, February 25, 2024!

The Core Movement Resource of Dissolve
An embodied sense of dissolve allows us to move through life with ease. Without dissolve we remain stuck, reluctant, holding onto the past, or unable to connect with our soul and spirit.
Come encounter dissolve on Saturday, January 20, 2024 from 6:30-8pm at Inspiring Actions in River Falls. Your soul will thank you. 💕

The Holiday PAUSE: Joy, Cheer, Stress, Grief, and Loneliness
The holidays can get busy, running from events to stores to school concerts, they can bring cheer and joy, and they can bring stress, grief, and loneliness.
One of the best ways that I have found to handle big emotions is the resource-based conscious movement practice of Open Floor International. It provides connection, support, and allows your body to regulate. PAUSE is one of Open Floor International’s core movement resources.

Our hunger for SPIRIT is the “holy longing” we feel to connect beyond what we can see, to be held, and guided as we move through life. To seek “refuge” in the great mystery. We work on dissolving our identities and the labels we carry to sense our pure essence.

The Embodied Soul!
The gift of an embodied soul is connecting to something beyond ourselves, to sense deep meaning in life, and to be with all that is around and in us (the natural world, others, and presence of self). Working with embodied soul allows us to:
-Tap into Lifeforce/Source/God energy
-Navigate via our internal compass as we make life choices
-Cultivate authenticity, creativity, and intuition
-Dance with mystery and uncertainty
All classes over the next several months will be moving with SPIRIT and SOUL. Come checkout a SOUL MOVES class and the Sweet Surrender MINI RETREAT Turn-of-the-Year.

The 4-Doorways to the Mind
Open Floor defines an Embodied Mind as “open to the vast landscape of knowledge, intuition and imagination, while remaining connected to body and heart.” Open Floor teaches 4 Doorways to Embodied Mind to support us in making sense of the different aspects of mind: 1. Thinking Mind, 2. Psycho-Emotional Mind, 3. Creative Mind, and 4. Big Mind.
Come explore your Embodied Mind, join Open Floor Teacher-in-Training, Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN at an Open Floor workshop or class! Registration now open!

What Is an Embodied Mind?
The mindful movement and conscious dance practice of Open Floor International is an embodiment practice. Embodiment is about inhabiting our full selves. I just returned from an Intensive 9-Day Training on “Embodied Mind” in Northern Washington! The Open Floor Classes, I will be offering through October 2023 will focus on exploring an “Embodied Mind.”

What Are You Moving Away from as 2022 Ends and Towards as 2023 Begins?
In life, we are constantly moving towards somethings, and away from other things. It could be people, places, feelings, or thoughts. Being aware of what we move towards and what we move away from demonstrates our preferences, habits, fears, desires, and boundaries. The more awareness you have about how and what you move towards and away from, and why, the better able you are to be an intentional choicemaker. We always have the power of choice.

Common Sense and Emotional Embodiment
Embodiment is a form of mindfulness. Mindfulness is about cultivating a deep sense of awareness and understanding of ‘Who am I?’ The better you understand your inner emotional landscape, the more authentically you can show up in the world. And with all the challenges facing our world, we need creative solutions brought by authentic people. How can I sense you? If I can’t sense me?

How to Be Steady in an Unsteady World? FIND YOUR CENTER!
According to Open Floor International, signs finding your center might be a growth edge for you might include:
• Feeling clumsy, unstable
• Getting easily overwhelmed, doubts self
• Confused, lacks focus, short attention span
• Feels hollow, lacks meaning or purpose
• Needy and not accountable in relationships
Come play with finding your center at Open Floor Dance 101 & Moving Meditation on Sunday, November 6th, 2022!
The 4 Dimensions of Embodiment
The mindful movement and conscious dance practice of Open Floor International is an embodiment practice. Embodiment is about inhabiting our full selves. Being at home in our bodies. Our ability to connect with what it means to be human and to be moving through life.
Open Floor teaches and identifies 4 Dimensions of Embodiment: physical, emotional, mind, and soul.