
9+ Ways to Overcome Adversity!
In this Psychology Today article, Estroff Marano discusses how adversity has “the capacity to overwhelm the system, to stress it to the breaking point, to shatter the sense of safety that allows mind and body to flourish, to destabilize the neural circuitry powering everyday life…” She shares that people do not necessarily “bounce back” easily when confronted with adversity or traumatic experiences, we typically need to integrate and accept a changed reality following adversity. “...Getting beyond adversity is a process, a very active one, sometimes a very messy one.”

The 4-Doorways to the Mind
Open Floor defines an Embodied Mind as “open to the vast landscape of knowledge, intuition and imagination, while remaining connected to body and heart.” Open Floor teaches 4 Doorways to Embodied Mind to support us in making sense of the different aspects of mind: 1. Thinking Mind, 2. Psycho-Emotional Mind, 3. Creative Mind, and 4. Big Mind.
Come explore your Embodied Mind, join Open Floor Teacher-in-Training, Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN at an Open Floor workshop or class! Registration now open!

What Is an Embodied Mind?
The mindful movement and conscious dance practice of Open Floor International is an embodiment practice. Embodiment is about inhabiting our full selves. I just returned from an Intensive 9-Day Training on “Embodied Mind” in Northern Washington! The Open Floor Classes, I will be offering through October 2023 will focus on exploring an “Embodied Mind.”