
Strategy to Help Make Big Decisions!
In life we are faced with many difficult decisions! When we are in a state of indecision, it takes energy and it can cause stress.
Here is a technique that has helped me make many decisions and supported my clients in making hard decisions.

SUICIDE SERIES 1: Suicidality & Suicidology
I realize, I founded Coriander Living Collective over 4 years ago and I have never wrote a Blog Post on suicide. It’s fairly typical for me to have clients on my caseload with suicidality or past suicide attempts. It is a clinical area where I have competency, extensive training, and experience in treating and managing suicidal behavior. Suicidality is complex, and death by suicide is tragic, having profound impact on survivors. I have personal history with suicide loss like so many others. If you are someone struggling with suicidal thoughts, in deep pain, or if you have been impacted by suicide loss, there is a space for you at Coriander Living Collective. Just reach out.

Gazespotting Demo!
In Brainspotting, we will often either use a pointer to identify a brainspot or will find a gazespot off in space. Here is a demonstration of Cori finding a gazespot and processing for a few minutes. You can notice micro-reflexive movements as her system works to regulate.

FREE Open Floor PURE PRACTICE Movement Class!
Come try a FREE Open Floor Class! “Open Floor International inspires people to move. We teach dance and mindful movement for personal healing, professional growth, and community building. In a challenging world, Open Floor supports resilience, compassion, and joyous connection.”

INNER WELL, OUTER WORD In-Person Writing Workshop!
What’s your relationship with writing? When was the last time you picked up a pen or pencil with paper and wrote honestly, messy, or creatively, without judgment or editing? When did someone last read out-loud to you and you listened not only with your ears, but with your heart?

Both EMDR and Brainspotting (BSP) are comprehensive brain-body based psychotherapy interventions that treat a variety of symptoms such as trauma, grief, anxiety, and depression. I am honored to be able to offer both of these psychotherapy treatments to my clients. I often have clients ask about which one would be better for them and we talk about their symptoms, their therapy goals, and the differences between BSP and EMDR.

What is a Brainspot? How do you find Brainspots?
Read this blog and watch this linked video to learn more about what a brainspot is and how to find them!

Join Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN, Certified BRAINSPOTTING therapist for a 90 minute Self-Brainspotting class on Tuesday, 9/24/24. Registration is open!

Self-Brainspotting Guided Practice with Cori Hildebrandt
Here’s a free Self-Brainspotting Guided Practice for you in honor of Coriander Living Collective’s 200th Blog Post! Self-Brainspotting is a wonderful way to self-regulate and create positive shifts in your system in just 10-15 minutes. This is a video you can use over and over again to guide your self practice. Thank you for following us. Enjoy!

Happy 4th Anniversary to Coriander Living Collective!
Happy 4th Anniversary to Coriander Living Collective (CLC)! It has proven to be another interesting year in honoring limits, learning to flow with rather than resist change, and practicing patience for the next right thing to manifest. To our clients, friends, family, and colleagues, thank you for your continued support and trust.

Bibliotherapy: LOVE SENSE: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships by Dr. Sue Johnson
In Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships Dr. Johnson shares how “Love is vital to our existence” and highlights the research to support that statement. She expresses concern “A tsunami of loneliness, anxiety, and depression is sweeping through Western societies.” She states that love is not a mystery, that belief is a disservice and leaves us feeling helpless in romantic relationships, “What you understand you can maintain, repair, and even enhance.” She urges ”we have to learn to turn toward each other and reveal our fears and longings” and describes a process of interrupting and dismantling destructive sequences and then constructing emotionally open, receptive ones.

Preparing for Virtual Brainspotting!
Brainspotting therapy transfers nicely into a virtual environment. The outcomes with virtual brainspotting seem as effective as in-person sessions. Watch this quick video to learn what you need to do to prepare for your first Brainspotting session!

Electrolytes for Mental Health and Overall Wellness!
I am a big proponent of attending to our basic needs to support mental health and wellness. Our foundational survival needs are air, water, food, shelter, and sleep. If our basic needs are not being met, we will suffer physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. When we are struggling, it’s important to address foundational needs as part of treatment.
There is newer science that supports drinking water alone may not be enough to stay hydrated. Especially more active folks or those on restricted diets may require water and electrolytes to hydrate.

Biolateral and Bilateral Music Used for EMDR and Brainspotting Therapy!
Both EMDR and Brainspotting use special music either bilateral or biolateral music.

Online Therapy
Coriander Living Collective is honored to offer online therapy to clients in MN and WI. Telehealth may not be appropriate for all symptoms or all clients. Please feel free to contact us with questions about if virtual therapy is an appropriate fit for you!

The Meaning Behind Coriander Living Collective’s Name!
I’ve had two people ask me over the last week what’s the meaning behind my company’s name, Coriander Living Collective so I thought I would share!

What’s My Number One Piece of Parenting Advice?
If you are a parent, or you guide developing children, congratulations! You have one of the most important jobs on the planet. And also one of the most challenging! Yeah! Your primary job as a parent is not to protect your children, but to prepare them to navigate life and be a contributing member of society. Parenting can be rough. If you could use some parenting support or coaching, Coriander Living Collective has your back! Just reach out for a free consultation or schedule an intake online!

Bibliotherapy: Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Kevin M. Gilmartin
The last few years have been challenging for law enforcement agencies and officers (LEOs) across our country. LEOs deal with the “maddest, baddest, and saddest” constituents in society. LEOs have a high stress, high stakes job. They are trained and prepared for survival on the streets, but are given little if any training on emotional survival in this high risk role. The current national rates of suicide for LEOs are 2x that of the general population. In his book, Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement: A Guide for Officers and Their Families, police psychologist, Kevin M. Gilmartin states we need to “stop breaking cops.” His book encourages LEOs and their families to make self-directed decisions on how life can function and strategy implementation to insure emotional survival.

9 Wellness Benefits of Open Floor Movement Practice!
Research supports the benefits of exercise, community connection, spirituality, and mindfulness practices. You could go for a run, go to church, grab a coffee with a friend, and then sit in meditation. OR you could try an Open Floor class which combines all these benefits into one experience!
As humans, we have been moving together for ions. Our bodies respond to connection, music, movement, and nature.
Join me for Open Floor Moving Meditation + Patio Wine Socials at Forestville Vines on Sunday, June 2, 2024 and July 7, 2024 from 11am-1pm. EVERYbody is welcome! Please reach out to Coriander Living Collective with questions. Dance-on!

Best Wishes to Stephanie Larson, MSW, LICSW MN, LCSW WI!
Best wishes to Stephanie Larson, MSW, LICSW MN, LCSW WI as she transitions out of being a provider with Coriander Living Collective into opening her own practice! We thank her for her service and collaboration since November 2022.