
The Open Floor Meditation Cycle at Forestville Vines in May, June, and July 2024!
I will be teaching different modifications of the OF Mediation Cycle on the first Sundays from 11am-1pm starting May 5, 2024 and continuing on June 2, 2024 and July 7, 2024 at Forestville Vines outside of River Falls, WI. Forestville Vines is in and on the grounds of an old school house from 1897. There is a special magic to the land. We will be practicing outside, barefeet to the earth, and big sky above. Come join us!

Bibliotherapy: The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin, D.C.
Due to conditioning, family and cultural expectations, and personal history, knowing what we want, how to express it, and holding clear boundaries can be a challenge for many of us.
Dr. Betty Martin has created the Wheel of Consent framework to help us learn about what we really want, empowering us to set limits, to create clear communication, and satisfaction in relationships. Her book, The Art of Receiving and Giving, is a framework that can heal trauma by empowering choice and voice.

Stories & Insights from Canvas Rebel: Interview with Cori Hildebrandt
Meet Cori Hildebrandt
We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Cori Hildebrandt a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Cori thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Looking back at internships and apprenticeships can be interesting, because there is so much variety in people’s experiences – and often those experiences inform our own leadership style. Do you have an interesting story from that stage of your career that you can share with us?

My #1 Nutrition Tip for 2024
Annette Kutilek is an Intuitive Eating dietitian in based in Little Rock, Arkansas, and sees clients remotely in any part of the world. It is her passion and mission in life to journey alongside the many folks working to reclaim their here-and-now bodies from chronic dieting and food fears. She is honored to witness individuals finding joy in food, kicking dieting to the curb, and returning home to their bodies on a daily basis.

Bibliotherapy: Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament by Michael A. Singer
Many years ago, I read Singer’s The Untethered Soul and a few months ago, Singer’s new book Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament showed up on the required reading list of my Open Floor Teacher Training. This book includes spiritual ideas and wonderful, provoking thoughts. It is about how to accept reality and the flow of life. He talks about acceptance as non-resistance; how we resist and cling to things, and how this creates suffering. Singer discusses how to live life free from the past. My favorite parts of this book were the chapters: The Origin of Matter, The Power of Creation, and It’s Not Personal. It was a comprehensive science lesson on evolution. These ideas landed for me like never before.

Curious to understand more about EMDR and learn an EMDR Resource that you can practice at home? Join Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN, Certified EMDR Therapist for this workshop, EMDR Therapy: Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, and Resourcing on Thursday, February 22, 2024 from 6-7:30pm at the River Falls High School. Pre-registration is required.

You’re Invited! Free GRIEF Workshop!
No registration required! Come in person or watch LIVE virtually! This is a FREE event that’s part of the Winter Wellness Program at the River Falls Library!

Who Does Brainspotting Work With?
Watch Video now on Who Does Brainspotting Work With?
In my opinion, Brainspotting works for most issues and for most people. If you’re curious to learn more about Brainspotting, come join me on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 from 6-7:30pm at the River Falls High School to learn more! Register here!

Bibliotherapy: No Bad Parts by Richard C. Schwartz, PhD
You know, I love bibliotherapy and that I’m committed to ongoing growth and learning! In the Brainspotting work I do, I incorporate parts work. It’s pretty easy to understand that we all have parts of self, some are protectors, exiles, or managers, some are childlike, adultlike, or wise ones, others are wild ones, destructive ones, you get the point. We’ve all got lots of parts and they are all self-created to serve certain purposes. In the healing world, Richard C. Schwartz’s Internal Family Systems Model (IFS) is becoming increasingly popular. I picked up his book, No Bad Parts to learn about his IFS Model.

Anxiety: A Metabolic Disorder? Not a Psychiatric Disorder.
I thought this article was worth posting because my training background does not deem anxiety a psychiatric disorder, and philosophically, I believe there are ways to treat anxiety besides medications. I conceptualize anxiety as an overacting stress/threat response due to trauma or ongoing stress. I think dietary deficiencies can create stress in our bodies and that prolonged stress hormones wreak havoc in our bodies. Pointed supplementation can be a meaningful part of anxiety treatment along with psychotherapy. Anxiety: A Metabolic Disorder? The most basic symptoms may relate to energy use, and the most direct treatment may be dietary. By Hara Estroff Marano, September/October 2023/Psychology Today.
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Coriander Living Collective encourages living with intention and cultivating connection is one of its core values. This Thanksgiving Season, for those you appreciate, may you show them with acts of kindness and may you be able to express your gratitude to whatever holds you and your beliefs beyond this plane. Wishing you all health and healing this Thanksgiving Season.

BIBLIOTHERAPY: Opening to Darkness by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel in this book, states that we are in an era of deep darkness on this planet and in our culture due to social issues, climate change, and the recent pandemic. She believes that darkness and blackness have been misused and misunderstood in America. She shares that “a collective opening to darkness is crucial to love,” and to create a positive shift in our culture and on our planet. She asks for us to bring consciousness to the light and dark parts of ourselves, others, and spirit.

The Therapeutic Power of Music
Most of us have been there, either at a concert, or listening to the radio in the car, and a song comes on that, WOW, feels like it was written for you, cuts to the core, moves you in some remarkable way. Music is powerful. Around the globe and for ions music has been part of human culture. We use music to celebrate, regulate, express, dance, and to be moved.
Research supports that music has many benefits. At Coriander Living Collective, we use biolateral and bilateral music while doing BRAINSPOTTING and EMDR. These special types of music enhance right-left brain communication, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. It’s a great tool, I often teach clients about to regulate and calm their nervous systems outside of sessions as well.

BIBLIOTHERAPY: When the Past Is Present by David Richo
Does our past impact our present and future? Absolutely! We are products of nature and nurture, and for many of us a lack of nurturance. Much of the work we do at Coriander Living Collective is supporting clients in understanding, processing, and healing from past experiences so they are able to show up differently now and in the future. Brainspotting and EMDR are wonderful modalities that create lasting shifts around past experiences and their impacts. Richo states, “We grow in our ability to know ourselves as we stabilize our lives through psychological and spiritual work.” Coriander Living Collective is here to support you in your growth! Just reach out. Open Floor classes are a wonderful way to practice our spiritual and psychological work! Join one soon!

The Neuroscience of Being Human and How Open Floor Practice Can Help!
Open Floor International practice allows us to learn how to be in our bodies and in relationships well. Open Floor International teaches principles that are core to being human. Open Floor International practice increases attunement with self and others, awareness, neural pathways, thought/emotion circuits, mindfulness, and empathy. It provides a safe container to work with our nervous systems and those of others. It encourages shifting out of our stress response system and into our social engagement system. It creates opportunity for challenge and comfort, both of which are needed for human growth.
Intrigued? Ready to give Open Floor a try? Come join Open Floor International Teacher-in-Training, Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN for a 3-Part Open Floor Series starting October 8th, 2023. Come join us and workout your system from the top of your brain to the bottoms of your feet!

The 4-Doorways to the Mind
Open Floor defines an Embodied Mind as “open to the vast landscape of knowledge, intuition and imagination, while remaining connected to body and heart.” Open Floor teaches 4 Doorways to Embodied Mind to support us in making sense of the different aspects of mind: 1. Thinking Mind, 2. Psycho-Emotional Mind, 3. Creative Mind, and 4. Big Mind.
Come explore your Embodied Mind, join Open Floor Teacher-in-Training, Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN at an Open Floor workshop or class! Registration now open!

In-Person SELF-BRAINSPOTTING Workshop Next Week!
BRAINSPOTTING is typically done with a brainspotting therapist, but SELF-SPOTTING is a simple and effective mindfulness-based practice that leads to self-regulation that can be done alone. After 10-15 minutes of self-spotting many people experience noticeable shifts.

Anniversary NUMBER THREE for Coriander Living Collective!
It’s anniversary NUMBER THREE for Coriander Living Collective (CLC)! The curiousness of life continues to amaze me. I am blessed to have so many wonderful clients, supporters, and colleagues. I am grateful to have the capacity to own and manage my own business, and to be able to positively impact the lives of others.
*PIC: Open Floor Moving Meditation, Two Bees & A Bud Flower Farm, owner Christine Melby & Cori. Love collaborating with local business owners!*

Do You Know When to Reach Out? And When to Pull Back?
Think about little babies, how they cuddle and contract into tight snuggly balls, and how they cry out and expand their bodies when they need something. Or as they learn to venture out and reach for objects and people around them. How a dysregulated child might hide or lash out with hitting. Or how an adult in conflict might avoid or be aggressive. These are all examples of the Open Floor International Core Movement Resource of EXPAND AND CONTRACT. We are constantly opening and closing and extending and pulling back to center.

Sick of Chasing Symptoms? Ready to Heal?
We all know that if we get a cut on our skin, we should clean the wound, we might put on some antibiotic ointment, if it’s more serious we might go to the ER, but there is a natural process of healing that happens in our bodies where new cells are generated and the wound closes even if we’re left with a scar.
What happens when the injuries we suffer are not only physical? When they’re emotional, cognitive, psychological, relational, or spiritual? What are the scars left then? What are we supposed to do to support our natural healing process?