
My #1 Nutrition Tip for 2024
Annette Kutilek is an Intuitive Eating dietitian in based in Little Rock, Arkansas, and sees clients remotely in any part of the world. It is her passion and mission in life to journey alongside the many folks working to reclaim their here-and-now bodies from chronic dieting and food fears. She is honored to witness individuals finding joy in food, kicking dieting to the curb, and returning home to their bodies on a daily basis.

Anxiety: A Metabolic Disorder? Not a Psychiatric Disorder.
I thought this article was worth posting because my training background does not deem anxiety a psychiatric disorder, and philosophically, I believe there are ways to treat anxiety besides medications. I conceptualize anxiety as an overacting stress/threat response due to trauma or ongoing stress. I think dietary deficiencies can create stress in our bodies and that prolonged stress hormones wreak havoc in our bodies. Pointed supplementation can be a meaningful part of anxiety treatment along with psychotherapy. Anxiety: A Metabolic Disorder? The most basic symptoms may relate to energy use, and the most direct treatment may be dietary. By Hara Estroff Marano, September/October 2023/Psychology Today.