
Ways to Deal with High Anxiety!
Coriander Living Collective is here to support you in decreasing your anxiety by learning ways to regulate your nervous system, and healing the root cause of your anxiety through EMDR therapy and Brainspotting. Reach out for a free consultation!

An Overview of TELEHEALTH!
Using telehealth for psychotherapy and counseling sessions has continued to be popular. So, let’s take a deeper look at telehealth.
Coriander Living Collective is honored to offer telehealth sessions! Telehealth may not be appropriate for all symptoms or all clients. Please feel free to contact us with questions about if telehealth is an appropriate fit for you!

You’re Invited! Free Self-Brainspotting Workshop!
Register to attend this FREE Winter Wellness Program at the River Falls Library!

Release Stress with Open Floor Moving Meditation
Stress is a common occurrence for many of us! Stress really is part of life. The problem with stress is when it is chronic, overwhelming, or when we don’t have good stress management tools.
The mindfulness, resource-based movement practice of Open Floor International is one of the best ways, I know to release stress and allow the body to self-regulate. Stress typically comes with muscle tension and physical body symptoms, so it makes sense to move your body to release stress, right?!

Love & Heartbreak
“Everywhere we learn that love is important, and yet we are bombarded by its failure. In the realm of the political, among the religious, in our families, and in our romantic lives, we see little indication that love informs decisions, strengthens our understanding of community, or keeps us together. This bleak picture in no way alters the nature of our longing. We still hope that love will prevail. We still believe in love’s promise.” -bell hooks, All About Love

Perfectionism is “Gucci” Anxiety and Shame!
I heard from somewhere that perfectionism is just a fancy term for anxiety. While reading, Brené Brown’s Atlas of the Heart on perfectionism, she states “Shame is the birthplace of perfectionism. Perfectionism is not striving to be our best or working toward excellence. Healthy striving is internally driven. Perfectionism is externally driven by a simple but potentially all-consuming question: What will people think?”

Bibliotherapy: Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown
Brené Brown’s new book, Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience serves as a reference guide to understand the language of emotions and human experience. She states, “research shows that the process of labeling emotional experience is related to greater emotion regulation and psychosocial well-being.”
You NEED A VACATION! Here’s Why!
Some of Coriander Living Collective’s core values are deep connection, freedom, and expansion. We wholeheartedly support taking vacation time for well-being! Need some encouragement? Or something getting in the way of you feeling able to vacation? We’re here to support you in moving through those blocks. Just reach out!

Bibliotherapy: Ilene Smith’s Moving Beyond Trauma
I loved an analogy she used about leaning into emotions verses avoiding or resisting them. Imagine pushing against a heavy object such as a boulder, think of the effort and resistant you experience? Now imagine leaning into the boulder, what happened to the resistance in your body? Maybe you sense support and relaxation instead? We need to lean into our sensations to move through them and find health and ease.
The 8 Phases of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
Coriander Living Collective has two EMDR therapists, Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN and Stephanie Larson, MSW, LCSW WI, LICSW MN. Please reach out for a consultation to learn if EMDR may be appropriate for you.

Learn to Self-Brainspot
BRAINSPOTTING is typically done with a brainspotting therapist, but SELF-SPOTTING is a simple and effective mindfulness-based practice that leads to self-regulation that can be done alone. After 10-15 minutes of self-spotting many people experience noticeable shifts.

Ways to Meet 2023 with INTENTION!
The longer I live, the more I recognize the value in being aware and intentional in all aspects of life. Coriander Living Collective’s mission is “encouraging life satisfaction through connection to self, others, and the world by embracing one’s humanity and lifestyle with insight, intention, and action through psychotherapy & counseling, workshops & retreats, and collective growth practices.” Looking forward to 2023, Coriander Living Collective is delighted to have the following offerings to support you in creating a life well lived!
Defining: Health, Trauma, & Healing
Hello! Recently, Coriander Living Collective made website updates adding Stephanie Larson, MSW, MN LICSW, WI LCSW to our practice, adding language on Health, Trauma, & Healing, and a page on EMDR & Brainspotting. Take a look!

I am so excited to welcome psychotherapist and clinical social worker, Stephanie Larson, MSW, LICSW MN, LCSW WI to Coriander Living Collective! Adding Stephanie increases Coriander Living Collective’s ability to serve therapy clients in Minnesota and Wisconsin!
She has immediate openings for individual new clients ages 14+ to older adults in WI and MN.

What Are You Moving Away from as 2022 Ends and Towards as 2023 Begins?
In life, we are constantly moving towards somethings, and away from other things. It could be people, places, feelings, or thoughts. Being aware of what we move towards and what we move away from demonstrates our preferences, habits, fears, desires, and boundaries. The more awareness you have about how and what you move towards and away from, and why, the better able you are to be an intentional choicemaker. We always have the power of choice.

Happy Thanksgiving and the Gift of Presence!
The greatest gift we can give someone is our presence. Our full attention. To be present. To participate totally in conversation. To listen empathetically. To be curious. To be a silent witness. To hold space for the emotions and thoughts of another. To connect with spirit.

What’s the Antidote for Loneliness?
More people than ever before are endorsing a sense of loneliness. Loneliness is the feeling of being sad and unhappy due to social isolation. For many of us, our modern lifestyles are leading to a sense of disconnection.

Common Sense and Emotional Embodiment
Embodiment is a form of mindfulness. Mindfulness is about cultivating a deep sense of awareness and understanding of ‘Who am I?’ The better you understand your inner emotional landscape, the more authentically you can show up in the world. And with all the challenges facing our world, we need creative solutions brought by authentic people. How can I sense you? If I can’t sense me?

How to Be Steady in an Unsteady World? FIND YOUR CENTER!
According to Open Floor International, signs finding your center might be a growth edge for you might include:
• Feeling clumsy, unstable
• Getting easily overwhelmed, doubts self
• Confused, lacks focus, short attention span
• Feels hollow, lacks meaning or purpose
• Needy and not accountable in relationships
Come play with finding your center at Open Floor Dance 101 & Moving Meditation on Sunday, November 6th, 2022!

Do You Get “SAD” in the Winter? 9 WAYS to WARD OFF Seasonal Affective Disorder
It’s that time of year in the Midwest, when it gets cooler and daylight is limited, and we know winter is coming. Many people notice a drop in mood, less interest in social activities, sleeping more, weight gain, and lower energy during the winter. Some people’s symptoms rise to the level of meeting the clinical criteria for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a depressive disorder. Research supports that the reduction in light exposure affects the neurotransmitter function of the tryptophan-serotonin-melatonin pathways leading to SAD symptoms.