Boost Your Mental Health with Experiential Diversity!
Feeling stuck? Bored? Lonely? Like you’re the star in the movie Groundhog Day? A simple way to boost your mental mood is to try something new!
Winter Warmer Ecstatic Dance!
Feeling stagnate, isolated, depressed, anxious, disconnected, or stressed? Come move your body! Meditation, music, movement, and community are all medicine for what ails our winter bones and cold spirits.
WINTER WARMER ECSTATIC DANCE is happening Saturday, January 22nd, 2022 at Inspiring Actions!
Engage with NATURE to NURTURE!
One way to intervene and support our Autonomic Nervous System is through spending time in nature. Time in nature reduces stress, improves well-being, and moves us into a ventral vagal state where we can connect with others. Come engage with nature at Willow River State Park 10/10/21 GROUP HIKE TO CONNECT and 11/13/21 GROUP HIKE TO CONNECT.