
BIBLIOTHERAPY: When the Past Is Present by David Richo
Does our past impact our present and future? Absolutely! We are products of nature and nurture, and for many of us a lack of nurturance. Much of the work we do at Coriander Living Collective is supporting clients in understanding, processing, and healing from past experiences so they are able to show up differently now and in the future. Brainspotting and EMDR are wonderful modalities that create lasting shifts around past experiences and their impacts. Richo states, “We grow in our ability to know ourselves as we stabilize our lives through psychological and spiritual work.” Coriander Living Collective is here to support you in your growth! Just reach out. Open Floor classes are a wonderful way to practice our spiritual and psychological work! Join one soon!

Our 4 Relational Hungers
As human beings, we are relational beings. Relationships are intertwined with our survival. Relationships meet our needs for belonging, security, and significance. We’re in relationship not just with people, but with ourselves, nature, spirit, ancestry, creativity, and ideas.
The mindful movement and conscious dance practice of Open Floor International identifies Four Relational Hungers.
• SOLITUDE: left alone, self, turn inward
• CONNECTION: excited/nourished by partner, intimacy
• BELONGING: part of group, union, welcomed
• SPIRIT: part of flow, be held by something beyond