When I was first trained in Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) about 15 years ago, active suicidality was contra-indicated for EMDR reprocessing and the therapeutic focus was suppose to be on resourcing and stabilization, but that thought has now changed knowing that 80% of those who complete suicide have trauma histories. The recommendation is to provide trauma treatment for those with a level of personal and environmental stability to do EMDR reprocessing.

If using EMDR treatment for suicidality the potential targets might include: resourcing, the first time someone felt suicidal, past attempts, current stressors, sleep/intrusive memories, and using cognitive interweaves. Evidence supports that EMDR is faster and more effective in treating complex trauma, depression, and PTSD than some older, more widely recognized therapies, such as CBT.

BRAINSPOTTING is another treatment where the whole premise is to move someone from a  state of dysregulation to regulation. I have had clients with chronic suicidality that have responded to BRAINSPOTTING treatment, and found a sense of meaning in living again. BRAINSPOTTING has become my first line approach because of the profound outcomes and ease of accessibility, but it is not for everyone.

When treating clients with suicidality presence and co-regulation are paramount, normalizing and educating about suicidality are helpful since 20% of the general population has suicidal thoughts in any given year, a referral for medication management might be supportive, creating a crisis response plan to be used as tool, and EMDR or BRAINSPOTTING treatment to work on remapping neutral networks for more adaptive outcomes.

If you or a loved one are struggling with suicidality, Coriander Living Collective is here. Reach out for a free consultation. The 988 Crisis Lifeline is available 24-7 and offers support and resources.



BIBLIOTHERAPY: Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Self-Help Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism by Stanley Rosenberg


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