Workshops & Retreats

Open Floor Conscious Dance 101/3-Part EMBODIED MIND Series
This 3-week series is designed as an introduction to the mindful movement, conscious dance practice of Open Floor International. We are constantly shaping our minds and being shaped by our minds. This series will focus on Embodied Mind and Belonging. When we are embodied in our mind, we are aware of how our relational patterns, behaviors, habits, and choices are impacted by our thoughts.
· 10/8/23: Week 1: THINKING MIND/VECTOR: Making sense, feelings vs. facts, clarity, and direction.
· 10/15/23: Week 2: PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL MIND/RELEASE: Seek stability, let go of old beliefs that no longer serve you, be fluid and flexible.
· 10/22/23: Week 3: CREATIVE MIND/EXPAND & CONTRACT: Play with imagination, expand into new possibilities.
“Your life is meant to confront everything that holds you captive."
— Rumi