What to Expect: A group of engaging, supportive, non-writers and writers. Directed prompts and writing exercises. A sense of connection and support. Creatively engaging with your inner world, meeting yourself. Cultivating a sense of clarity, meaning, and perspective. Opportunity for healing, personal growth, and insight. Novelty and fun!
Is This Group Right for Me? No writing experience necessary. Willingness to be curious, open to possibility, to write, to speak, to listen, to be heard, and to be seen. Group process, experiential exercises, and creativity help cultivate belonging, security, significance, personal growth, and wellbeing.
Pre-Registration Required/Cost: $150USD for 5-week series. Please sign up here. Minimum 5 participants, maximum 12 participants. No refunds for missed sessions. You will be refunded registration free if not 5 registered participants one week prior to start date.
Instructor: Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN, Psychotherapist, Owner of Coriander Living Collective, Open Floor International Teacher.
Questions?: info@corianderlivingcollective.com
Disclaimer: This group is not a psychotherapy intervention and is not a substitute for psychological or medical care.