Uncovering and Using Your Guiding Values

Hello! I’ve done a decent amount of work around identifying my core values and how I can use them to guide my life and business choices. Coriander Living Collective’s mission is to encourage life satisfaction and a life well lived. I recently added these values to www.corianderlivingcollective.com because they support a life well lived and I use them to guide business decisions:

HONESTY with ourselves and others, claim our feelings, speak our truth, honor our humanity and whole personhood

DEEP CONNECTION with ourselves, others, spirit/flow, and nature

FREEDOM to explore, to be curious, to be choicemakers, and to dictate the paths of our own lives

EXPANSION to move into feeling alive, space to heal what holds us back, to adventure, to change, and to grow

SECURITY offering support and encouragement, a safe base, structure and order, and a practical approach

If you are interested in uncovering your core values and how they can guide your life Coriander Living Collective is here to support you! We are also connected with several life coaches, and we would be happy to make you a referral!


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