Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

Como se what?! Some of probably have heard of EMDR therapy and I am guessing many of you have not. 

I am a certified EMDR therapist which means I have specialty training in EMDR and it is an approach I use with my therapy clients.

Let me explain EMDR therapy like this… From our life experiences, we are meant to garnish adaptive information. Yet, sometimes we have experiences that lead to maladaptive outcomes such as a negative self-belief or worldview (I’m stupid, the world is a dangerous place, etc.), overwhelming emotions (fear, sadness, etc.), or physical pain (headaches, back pain, etc.). EMDR is a trauma-based therapy that is able to help clients reprocess events from the past shifting maladaptive responses into integrated learning. 

So, for example, a past client suffered a traumatic assault that involved strangulation and having their airway restricted in their teenage years. Jump forward 20 years to 2020 when masks are now required in public places and this client was getting triggered into panic attacks every time they put on a mask. They were considering quitting their job because of this. We were able to work from the present trigger backwards to find this trauma target memory from the past and apply the EMDR protocol. Through EMDR, this client was able to integrate and heal the past trauma memory, moving it into a neutral space, and is now able to report to work and wear a mask without having panic attacks.  

EMDR is able to treat most types of symptoms such as anxiety, grief, and PTSD. It treats you as a whole person. If you are seeking treatment beyond talk therapy, results, and true healing EMDR may be for you. Please contact me for a free consultation to see if EMDR therapy might be a good fit for you!




What’s This Man Have to Do with You?